bow before what?

god my journey the church Apr 11, 2024

ok let’s pick back up from our conversation that took place right before easter. if you’re a new follower and reading this for the first time, i recommend you go here to read the first half of this conversation before diving into this one. 

what did jesus mean when he said “you bow before the law…”

first off, i’m not a scholar by any means. not formally educated in scripture in any way, shape, or form. my only experience is growing up in the church as a pastor’s kid and then following in my parent’s footsteps by pastoring. it is incredibly important to note, i have only been exposed to the westernized evangelical messaging and scriptural context found within such in my culture. it was only when i stepped away that i began to learn the depth, variance, and context when analyzing scripture. above all, i listen to my gut…my intuition. my body tells me when something is off and i need to look further into it. 


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and just like that…everything changed

i need to finish up my thoughts on my last blog i posted before easter weekend. after all, i did promise you the remaining conversation would arrive last week. but things all changed in my life really fast which is what this email is about.
first off, the responses to that blog and email in my inbox were many. i have over 750 of you on my email list and i received at least 75 personal email responses. i am grateful and also holding each of you, your stories, your pain close within my heart. i’ll be in your inbox again thursday morning to continue the conversation…
i’m going to give you a timeline to share with you how quick things can fall into place when one chooses to trust, the timing is right, and our desires are clear and on point.
remember my january blog/email about being done going to this horse auction every month and not being able to do anything about it? i told you i was starting a horse rescue, selling my porsche, getting a...
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I've Had Enough!

god love my journey the church Jan 31, 2024


i’ve had enough.

this blog post was supposed to be the latest update on my horse rescue journey, the purchase of my new truck, and all the things going on with my trust journey as of late.

however, i was hit up again this week from another dynamic, powerful, successful woman, who is reeling from the devastation of losing familial relationships because of boundaries she implemented all around religious theologies and the differentiation experienced within such.

i am ready to speak up about my journey within the church, how i have navigated this within my family, and how i have forged my path in discovering my own truth as it relates to god, salvation, heaven and hell, and various religious practices...all of this in hopes of helping those of you who have reached out to me over the years for guidance in navigating issues such as those mentioned above.

i desire everyone to hear about my journey, eventually; but this first expression will be held for those of you who...

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The Power of Release

my journey Oct 26, 2022

when we create deep, meaningful, authentic intention to shift our reality, the universe shows up in exponential ways.

welcome to my present reality.

i will try to communicate with as little words as possible in this writing to explain what i am experiencing right now in my life. it seems impossible but i’ll try my best.

once life gets uncomfortable enough…however that comes about, failed relationships, loss of a loved one, a business deal gone wrong through power plays of others, unexpected, debilitating illness, financial devastation, an indefinite pause on our dreams due to events not of our making…we are finally faced with the glaring universal truth that all humans are subjected to:

control is a fallacy.

why the majority of us must experience and press through suffering in order to release that which holds our pretty little fallacies in place, i’ll never know. i wish truth was revealed to me differently, but so far, my greatest truths are revealed...

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my love affair with sf

my journey Sep 30, 2022

one year ago today, holding the duality of grief and excitement, i pulled out of the city that captured my heart from my youth.

i love sf. she is simply stunning.

jeff and i were engaged there, honeymooned there, hit a rough patch in the marriage at year 10 and came back to remember what “us” was all about, and in 2018 we were presented with the opportunity to move there.

i’ll never forget my excitement moving to the city i love and adored.

we left our 1930’s tudor-style home in comfortable east dallas, texas to brave the promises and beauty of the west by living on the top floor of a multi-family community building with gorgeous skyline views, nestled on the edge of the TL.

2019 was an amazing first year there and i thought it would last forever.

then came the woes of 2020 where every last one of us experienced so many levels of shock, bewilderment, grief, and suffering.

this is not a post about “2020” at this time, but for context, i’d...

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50% Complete


yay! ok so, first name and email is all i need. double check that junk/spam folder if you don’t see me in the next 5 minutes.
LOVE you already...❤️

ps - i’m sending you a freebie. 😉