The Power of Release

my journey Oct 26, 2022

when we create deep, meaningful, authentic intention to shift our reality, the universe shows up in exponential ways.

welcome to my present reality.

i will try to communicate with as little words as possible in this writing to explain what i am experiencing right now in my life. it seems impossible but i’ll try my best.

once life gets uncomfortable enough…however that comes about, failed relationships, loss of a loved one, a business deal gone wrong through power plays of others, unexpected, debilitating illness, financial devastation, an indefinite pause on our dreams due to events not of our making…we are finally faced with the glaring universal truth that all humans are subjected to:

control is a fallacy.

why the majority of us must experience and press through suffering in order to release that which holds our pretty little fallacies in place, i’ll never know. i wish truth was revealed to me differently, but so far, my greatest truths are revealed through the release.

release of my absolutes.
release of my need for present truths.
release of my expectations.
release of my failures.
release of my successes.
release of my control.

in order to experience the extraordinary…the supernatural…the very essence few humans choose to have, we must, must, must make room. we must release.

and of course, we know this principle in very tangible ways, right?

you want different furniture? make room for it.
you want new clothes? release some of the old.

but for the things that go beyond the material and tangible, thoughts and experiences become a bit more difficult to grasp, and, i have found, it is difficult to keep these intangible things ever-present before me. perhaps it’s because they are not in a form i can touch, see, feel, or utilize with my five senses. who knows…

what i do know, is that a good reminder of my lack of control, however it comes, will knock every bit of my comfortable cadence-based life back on the expansive track once again.

after doing this for basically 44 years at this point, i am finding that my incorporated practices of releasing my fallacy of control on a daily basis is causing my reality to shift at such quantum levels i can hardly keep up sharing these lessons with all of you amazing humans. and i’m learning some incredible, other worldly things…like massive downloads from the ethers.

and it is imperative i share. it’s a part of my human design. i am all about trial & error and incorporating the lessons from it, but the reason i’m doing this is not just for me…it’s to share with you and the world by saying, “hey, i just did this thing, this is what it’s all about, and if you’re gonna try it out, here’s a way that could possibly work for you!”

so, if you’re still reading this far down:

number 1 - thank you…i’m honored.
number 2 - take some time, if it feels right, and check in with where you are in the process of releasing…what are you releasing? is it hard/easy? what are the thoughts/narrative hanging out around the control? 
number 3 - how fast do you desire to expand? if quickly, the more you release, the faster you expand.
number 4 - most importantly, be kind to yourself. you’re doing amazing. choose observation over judgement, and love yourself more.

i’ll be back here next week to discuss why control is such a thing for us. 
i love you deep.


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yay! ok so, first name and email is all i need. double check that junk/spam folder if you don’t see me in the next 5 minutes.
LOVE you already...❤️

ps - i’m sending you a freebie. 😉