Celebrating the Divine Mother

god mother May 14, 2023

Today is a day where we focus on one of the many aspects represented by the feminine. Motherhood.

When we highlight celebratory days as we humans do, no doubt it presents duality for the majority of us.

For some this particular day is a full-out a celebration, for some it is a day filled with celebration and grief, and for others, they despise it fully; it is only a mirror of the motherly nurturing they should have had or should be able to give and cannot.

What to do on days like today, when the rhythm of culture and society chooses to focus on an archetype that has such duality attached to it?

There are a few things, wrapped in my opinion, that we might benefit from:

  •  observe without judgement: observe yourself | observe others
  •  be present with your emotions today; and again, without judgement.
  •  be mindful that your experience is unique to you and give your fellow human that same respect.
  •  if you feel called, take some time to process what thoughts and feelings arise on days like today and why, remembering this experience is a mirror, reflecting your innermost desires, beliefs, and experiences.
  •  find gratitude in the midst of it all

For me, today is a full-out celebration.

I have the most beautiful mother from childhood to present. I love you, Mom!

I am an exceptional mother. The perfect mom for my children to experience the life they designed before arriving earth-side. I adore you, Eva & Gibson!

Most times I have celebrated this day through the viewpoint of humanity alone, ignorant to the other expressions of this sacred feminine aspect throughout spirituality and nature itself.

I am fully worshiping the Divine Mother today. God is woman, She understands me, and this belief runs deep into my feminine bones.

Mother Earth: “Mama Gaia”…oh how I love you! You continue to give over, and over, and over again despite my ways and ignorance at times toward you. You teach me about endless, unconditional love.

To my readers, I love you.
However you choose to experience today, I celebrate the gift of who you are and how, in one way, shape, or form, you contribute and partake in the Divine femininity of Motherhood.

📷: Nathan Dumlao


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